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Energy and Wellness Wristband

Product questions and answers for Energy and Wellness Wristband.

How many wristbands are in each unit ordered?

One wristband is provided per unit ordered.

Where do I wear the wristband?

On the wrist and either wrist is fine. The left arm is slightly more energetic than the right and thus this is an excellent place to wear it. It can also be worn on an ankle as an alternative location.

Does the wristband help with supporting a healthy inflammatory response and energy?

Yes. We have customers reporting fewer occasional aches and pains while also reporting higher energy levels.

Can the wristband be worn at night?

Yes. We suggest for customers first wear it during the day and slowly test it at night to make sure that it is not too energizing at night. Most people experience higher energy levels during the day and deeper sleep with it at night.

Will the wristband affect my pacemaker?

No. The wristband is energetically charged with frequencies. They do not contain mechanical or pharmacological lotions or anything known to cause conflict

How Our Energy and Wellness Wristband Uses Scalar Wave Holographic Technology

Some people ask, “how is a hologram within a wristband helping me with overall energy and wellness?”. Good question. Our golden holograms are a Mylar material programmed with frequencies that are known to be beneficial to human biology and physiology

What if the wristband is too large for my wrist?

You can also wear it on your ankle. It can be returned if it is within the 30-day return period.

I notice that my body tingles and that I stay awake longer than normal.

When you first begin to wear it, it is normal to begin to feel your own body energy become more aligned. This may include some tingling. If it is keeping you up later than you like, then please remove the band a few hours prior to resting at night. Y

Can I wear more than one wristband?

Yes, you may wear up to two wristbands around the wrist and/or ankle.

Can the wristband be cleaned?

Yes, please clean it with a damp cloth or an alcohol wipe, and please be especially careful and gentle around the golden hologram area.

If I have the wristband, do I then also need other EMF protection products?

Our wristband is designed to work in conjunction with our cell phone EMF protection disc as well as our computer EMF protection strips. Together they provide support, protection, and rejuvenation.