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How Our Energy and Wellness Wristband Uses Scalar Wave Holographic TechnologyUpdated 2 years ago

Some people ask, “how is a hologram within a wristband helping me with overall energy and wellness?”

Good question.

Our golden holograms are a Mylar material programmed with frequencies that are known to be beneficial to human biology and physiology. These frequencies are derived from the natural compounds’ molecular structure and are then programmed into the Mylar hologram, which is a substance and device used in international space programs.

The substrate can hold over 300 frequencies added to the disc (like a magnet and a credit card strip). The hologram acts to seal the disc and frequencies and acts as a prism for signaling the body. The result is that the body elicits many different beneficial physiological responses that help support healthy energy levels and overall wellness.

The frequencies programmed into our Mylar hologram signal information transfer to our DNA, which then sparks many physiological switches to turn on and support healthy energy levels through multiple mechanisms. 

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