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Cell Phone EMF Protection Disc

Product questions and answers for Cell Phone EMF Protection Disc

How many cell phone discs come in each unit ordered?

There is 1 disc per unit ordered.

If I have a cell phone EMF protection disc, do I additionally need protection on my headphones and apple watch?

Our discs provide signaling to the body to stay at rest from the EMFs. Apple watches and Bluetooth devices have low emissions, and the disc will provide protection for up to 6 ft (1.83 meters).

What is the difference between the EMF cell phone disc and computer strips?

The EMF discs are for the phone and are larger for close body exposure. The EMF strips are for devices like iPads, tablets, computers, laptops, WiFi routers, smart meters, and other “smart devices” like Alexa

Does it matter where on the back of my smartphone that I place the disc?

No, generally at the bottom is preferred, but if it is on the back, it will operate normally to provide scalar waves information transfer to our biology.

Can I transfer my cell phone disc from one cell phone to another?

Yes, you can move the disc. Please keep in mind that when the adhesive bond on the back of the disc is broken that it may not stick as well when reapplying. A cell phone case may hold it very well in place. If peeling it up to transfer, please be min

If I get the disc wet, will it still work?

Yes. Please place your disc under the cell phone case between the phone and case to protect it from scratches, dirt, body oil, and sweat as well as other forms of moisture. if you get it wet, it will still work, yet its lifespan may be shortened. Ple

How Our Scalar Wave Holographic Technology Works

Some people ask, “how is a holographic disc supposed to help protect from EMFs?”. Good question. Our golden holograms are a Mylar material programmed with frequencies that are known to be beneficial to human biology and physiology. These frequencies

How many discs do I need per smartphone?

One. One should be enough to provide coverage from the phone’s emissions. You may use up to two discs on smartphones that use 5G networks. In this case, place one disc on the back towards the bottom and the other one on the back above the other.

What frequencies were used to make the EMF discs?

There are over 300 frequencies programmed into each disc that is derived from the molecular structure of many different plant compounds, minerals, phytonutrient compounds, flavonoids, oils, and other beneficial earth-derived frequencies.

How do I remove the disc from the paper back if it is not pulling up and off?

If paper sticks, very gently use a sharp object to remove the backing going around the disc. Please be mindful not to scratch or bend the disc.